You are connected, you are supported, you are seen, you are loved.
A Sacred Sound Healing Session is an immersion in beautiful sounds and vibrations that are healing for your body, mind and spirit. The experience is a deeply relaxing, meditative experience which will take you on a journey of relaxation, healing and self exploration. A gong ceremony is a ritualistic, ceremonial gathering where the gong creates a sacred and transformative experience. The ceremony will draw inspiration from various cultural and spiritual traditions to honor the power vibration and sound for healing, meditation, and spiritual exploration.
Tonight’s intention is unity of body, mind, spirit and community. We begin with a welcoming, short breath exploration then prayer of unity. As we finish our prayer we will be bathed in the vibrational healing of the gong. When the vibrations quietly settle you will be welcomed back to your physical body in present time with a call to the 4 directions and a welcoming home to your body.
It is suggested you lie on a yoga mat, with a cushion under their head, covered with a comfy blanket. Time is suspended as you enter a world of vibration, sensation and experience. Physical injuries nurtured and old patterns, ancestral and emotional traumas released.